Website Design
Professional Website Design
These days, if you don’t have a website, then you don’t have a legitimate business. The Wilkins Group can create your organization’s new website or revamp an existing website. As a State of Texas Department of Information Resources-approved contractor since 1999, The Wilkins Group has created over 100 websites! Not only do we create governmental sites, but we also design amazing websites for non-profits and privately-held firms. Turn your current site around or build a new one. Contact our web development department for assistance right away!
DIR Web Contract – DIR-CPO-5212 – expiration date: 5/30/2028

DIR-CPO-5212 Comprehensive Web Development and Managed Services – expiration date: 5/30/2028

The Wilkins Group, Inc. DIR Contract Website
DIR Co-op Contract Program Overview
The Wilkins Group, Inc. Products & Services
• Comprehensive Web Development
• Software
• Managed Hosting
The Wilkins Group, Inc. Contract Pricing
Designated Order Fulfillers (Resellers) – N/A
The Wilkins Group, Inc. Contact Information
Tomeka Herod
972-479-1090, 972-479-1099 (fax)
Instructions for Obtaining Quotes and Placing Purchase Orders with The Wilkins Group, Inc.:
1. Call or email The Wilkins Group, Inc. (per the contact information above)
2. Provide Scope of Work (SOW), Timeframe and/or Budget
3. Wilkins will follow up to schedule a meeting
4. Wilkins will email a quote to the designated DIR customer within 5 business days of receiving final SOW
5. DIR customer will email a purchase order, made payable to The Wilkins Group, Inc. referencing the DIR Contract Number DIR- CPO-5212, invoicing instructions, e-payment terms (no longer than 30 days) and payee’s contact information, e.g. purchasing contact, address, email and phone
6. Wilkins will submit a mutually-agreed to project schedule with milestones for the customer and Wilkins for ultimate completion of website launch and/or hosting
7. Wilkins will follow up for ongoing support, if needed
Warranties and Returns
Warranties: THE WEBSITE FURNISHED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IS PROVIDED WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS AGAINST INFRINGEMENT. WILKINS SHALL NOT INDEMNIFY CUSTOMER AGAINST CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, TRADE SECRET OR OTHER PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. Wilkins will exercise no control whatsoever over the content of the information passing through the network. Wilkins makes no warranties or representations of any kind, whether expressed or implied for the content that the Customer is providing. Wilkins also disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose and will not be responsible for any damages that may be suffered by the Customer, including loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries or service interruptions by any cause or errors or omissions of the Customer. Use of any information obtained by way of Wilkins is at the Customer’s own risk, and Wilkins specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the Customer. Connection speed represents the speed of a connection to and does not represent guarantees of available end to end bandwidth. Wilkins expressly limits its damages to the Customer for any non-accessibility time or other down time to the prorated monthly charge during the system unavailability. Wilkins specifically denies any responsibilities for any damages arising as a consequence of such unavailability.
Returns: Not applicable